En mayo del año 2018, una estrella de Hollywood cumplió un sueño que muchas niñas desean. Meghan Markle se casó con un príncipe, Prince Harry, Duque de Sussex.
The royal family watch the royal fly past, Trooping the Colour June 2013
15 June 2013, 13:12:50
Aunque mucha gente sueña ser príncipe o princesa, no saben las dificultades que trae ser parte de la familia real. Al casarse con un príncipe, la vida de la Duquesa cambió completamente. De acuerdo a Abby Gardner -en su artículo en Glamour-, la Duquesa tuvo que borrar sus cuentas en las redes sociales, tratar de acostumbrarse a no tener privacidad y también dejar su carrera en actuación. En enero del 2020 el Duque y la Duquesa anunciaron, en el sitio web de los Sussex, que quieren ser “financieramente independientes”, quieren vivir en Norte América y continuar apoyando a la reina. Este anuncio ha traído muchas preguntas y acusaciones a la duquesa de Sussex.
Desde que se anunció que Meghan Markle iba casarse con el príncipe, las redes en Gran Bretaña no le han hecho la vida fácil. Han criticado a la Duquesa en la manera que ella se viste, cómo se comparta y por expresar sus sentimientos en público. La Duquesa tuvo una entrevista con ITV en octubre, 2019, donde expresó que es difícil, complicado y no tenía idea cómo la iban a tratar las redes. En el sitio web de la realeza, la Reina anunció que apoya la decisión que tomaron de pasar tiempo en Canadá y el Reino Unido. Lo que han decidido el Duque y la Duquesa es un cambio que impacta a la familia real ahora y en un futuro.
Articulo de Glamour: Gardner, Abby. Everything Meghan Marklehad to give up to become a royal, 2018 https://www.glamour.com/story/everything-meghan-markle-has-had-to-give-up-to-become-a-royal
Sitio web de los Sussex: https://sussexroyal.com/about/
Articulo e entrevista de ITV: ITV news, Meghan admits she was ‘naive’ about British tabloids and reveals she was warned ‘they will destroy your life’, 2019 https://www.itv.com/news/2019-10-20/harry-and-meghan-an-african-journey/
Sitio web de la realeza: https://www.royal.uk/statement-her-majesty-queen
Change in the Royal Family (Translation)
In May of 2018, a Hollywood star fulfilled the dream of many little girls. Meghan Markle married her prince, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex. A lot of people dream of being a prince or princess, but do not know the difficulties that are brought along with being a part of the royal family. With marrying a prince, the life of the Duchess completely changed. According to Abby Gardner, the Duchess had to delete all of her social media accounts, realize and adjust to the fact that her life is no longer private, and leave her acting career as stated in an article in Glamour (May 2018). In January 2020, the Duke and Duchess announced on the website of the Sussex that they wanted to be “financially independent”, they want to live in North America and continue supporting the Queen (January 2020). This announcement has brought many questions and accusations to the Duchess of Sussex.
After it was announced that Meghan Markle would marry the prince, the news networks in Great Britain have not made her life easy. They have been critical of the Duchess and what she does daily, how she shares things, and how she expresses her feelings in public. The Duchess had an interview with ITV and expressed that it is difficult, complicated and had no idea how the networks were going to treat the news according to ITV (October 2019). According to the royal website, the Queen has said she supports the decision they have made, and they will spend time
in Canada and the United Kingdom. The decision made by the Duke and Duchess is a change that has impacted the royal family now and in the future.