Let us just say that you have not voted yet. Furthermore, let us say you are still undecided. You cannot make up your mind for whom to vote for.

This being election season you have all sorts of experts expressing their opinion as to who is going to win the presidential election. Too many this is just another way to gamble. Just another way to feed the kitty. Some have such a strong belief in their opinion that they will travel to Las Vegas to place their bets. This is not a game like horse races where you bet to win, lose or draw. The winner takes it all.


So, if we you are going to vote what criteria should you use to make an intelligent decision in y0ur choice for president?

Trump won and lost and two elections by a few votes.

In the 2020 election Trump drew large crowds to is rallies. The crowds

were huge. I saw one in Dallas. The crowd outside the auditorium was just as big as the one inside.

According to the media the Trump crowds this election cycle is paltry. Of course, Trump challenges this report.

By contrast Harris’s crowds are large. Huge enthusiastic crowds in early voting means voters are delivering a strong message about something.rfrfiss’s crowds have been huge.HHArris’s crowds hve been huhe/

During the Harris and Trump interviews with Fox News. Harris drew twice as many people as Trump.

So. Which way is the election going to go? Quien sabe.

El Observador

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