All up and down the ticket the RUP filed candidates. One of the running candidates could not even legally assume the office if she won. 


This was Alma Canales, a former farmworker and journalism student at Pan American University that at twenty-four was too young to legally hold the office of Lieutenant Governor. Both Canales had also been former members of Mayo and part of the Chicano movement- which in today’s lingo would have been described as part of the “Woke” community. 


  Come November the party had a more then decent showing but did not win any statewide offices. Pero, they scared the Hell out of the Democratic Party. Ramsey Muniz the RUP candidate for governor won 6% of the vote which in numbers was over 214, 000 votes. The RUP platform was about emphasizing Chicano community control, billingual education, women and workers’ rights. This platform was very similar to that of the liberal arm of the Democratic party which was headed by Frances AKA Sissy Farenthold a failed candidate for governor. In the end Dolph Briscoe won the governorship. However, he won with less than a majority which was a first for a Texas Governor in the twentieth century. 

  Besides not winning at the state level, there were victories in South Texas and other rural areas, the party proved they could organize and win. Other states like California, New Mexico and as far away as Michigan, took notice and started the RUP in their respective states. That lead to the first and only national conference to be held September 1972 in El Paso. Reportable over 1500 people attended at least half of them women mostly young but a strong showing by older Chicanos as well. The elected delegates formed the Congreso de Aztlan to run the national party. Jose Angel Gutierrez was elected as the RUP National Chairman. Would all this have led to finally having a place at the table? 

Next Week, another run for State Office plus some Fort Worth folk


A Govea

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