Latino March 25th Anniversary -Epilogue Back to the Future?
As we continued our march to the Ellipse Rally staging area, the chants of “Aqui Estam0s E No Los Vamos” (We are here, and we are not leaving) echoed through the crowds.
Suplantadores del gobierno y productos para curar el COVID: así se aprovechan los estafadores de las comunidades étnicas
Mientras los consumidores latinos son con frecuencia víctimas de la suplantación de identidad, los afroamericanos reportan principalmente fraudes en los cobros de deudas a través de burós de crédito, y los asiático-americanos son engañados con productos de salud falsos.
Building Futures One Person–One House at a Time!

Roberto started struggling in 9th grade. Maybe it was the move from Middle School, maybe some home issues? There is no lack of issues that can come up at that age when you are caught between not really being a child.
“Hispanic and Bilingual Volunteers Needed for Kids in Foster Care”

Did you know that thousands of Texas children and teens are removed from their homes each year due to abuse and neglect?
As Minorities Grow, Their Representation Relies On Redistricting
The census results revealed the growth of minority groups that make up almost 40% of the country’s population. Today there are 5 million fewer white Caucasians than in 2010.
Children are Fleeing Certain Danger or Worse
According to the latest government records as of March 20th over 11, 000 mostly minor children have made it to our shores seeking Asylum
Can Your Teen Be An Online Bully?
Bullying is ascendingly becoming an alarming problem in the U.S. With social media at the fingertips of virtually every pre-teen and teen, these problems have taken a different direction.
Where Are the Children
Trump was elected mainly on the promise of getting tough on illegal immigration.
Vanessa Your Life will Continue
I am proud to see how our community has reacted to the senseless loss of a beautiful young lady that was taken much too soon.
Sometimes I Think There is a “P” Written On my Forehead
I think that most of us hate repetition, especially when it is the same thing over and over again.