Little Joe: An American Success Story

“I didn’t let the Klan chase me out,” he says, laughing with a big smile.
Latino March Part Dos (The Arrival)

After spending the night in Nashville, we headed to Memphis. We had to stop at Graceland, the famed home of Elvis. I think most of us were surprised at the amount of people who were there to visit and some even appeared tearful and somber.
Lest we Forget Ruben Salazar,an exert from Remembering A Martyr article on Nuestra Voz
According to historical reports of the infamous day, Ruben and a follow journalist had escaped the violence to have a beer at the Silver Dollar Bar on Whittier Boulevard.
Slavery, What Slavery, Mexicans Wanted to Be Texans
These lies and many others may soon come to Texas classrooms. Porque (Why) senate bill SB3 (Updated version of HB3979) removes requirements to learn about diverse communities and their histories.
TITANIC: Stories Untold
The tragic story of the grandest ship ever made, one that was touted as “Unsinkable” has been told time and time again. T
Last Cowboy Super Bowl Win 25 Years Ago
The year was 1996, Pokemon was first introduced into the world, the Macarena became all the rave after first dubbing in 1993.
Oswald’s Final Days
When President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, it truly shook the world.
Abandoned Fort Worth Underground Walkways and Public Market
When the Great Depression hit the United States in the 1930s, Fort Worth was not immune to the effects of the economic downturn. Many Fort Worth businesses suffered and some never recovered. And the now abandoned Fort Worth Public Market located on Henderson street was no different.
Carmelita La Amazon de Juarez
“We are willing to bathe and disinfect all the dirty, lousy people who are coming into this country from Mexico”. This was a direct quote from Dr. B.J. Lloyd, the public health service official serving in El Paso office in 1917.
A Soldier’s Story
The article indicates that “post-traumatic stress disorder” (PTSD) is a clinical label is the modern day term “Mal de Susto – (Fear-Sickness)” or just plain “Susto”.