By A. Govea
Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas said that “every damn day,” Americans are killed and raped by illegal immigrants that Democrats let into the country. “Every damn day,” the crowd chanted back in a
chorus. (Heard at the Republican convention)
And I will add they are taking jobs from farmworkers and other jobs that Americans do not want. As for Cancun Teds’ claim, Los Angeles which reportable may have the second largest immigrant population in the U.S. crime is down 17%.
Yes, some non-citizens may also commit crimes along with the good they do for our country. Pero Ted and his sicko friends may want to look directly to the stage Thursday at their crime boss. Oh, no they say, “That’s different”. Is it in fact, he is married to an immigrant and brought her parents also. And by the way I also seem to remember that he employed several undocumented workers until caught.
Is that different Tambien (too)? And is not Teds dad from Cuba and by the was not Ted himself born in a foreign land himself (Canada). Again, that is different. Yea but, reminds of an old saying “If Ifs and buts were candy and nuts we would all have a good Christmas” Or as Pee Wee Herman said in a movie “All my friends have big buts”
As I have said before no country can survive with open borders and the U.S. is no different. Pero the lie that Cancun Ted and his buddies keep telling is not only has a potential for violence, but it already has done so. That is if you have not forgotten what happened at the El Paso Walmart in 2019. I guarantee you that the families of the twenty-three people that were killed have not.
Not to sound like President Biden but “Look” we must fix the immigration system. Pero that will take both parties and right now you have one party that has drank the Trump Kool-Aid. And until his reign is over, there is no fix in site. Not when everyone in their party seems to want to run on that issue. An issue that they themselves refuse to intelligently address.
As I wrote in last week’s week article, please do the research before voting. And share your finding with your friends and relatives. Not in a ‘Do this’ mode but as a friend might recommend a new restaurant etc. This because of all the disinformation campaigns, we all can appreciate a trusted source.