Where do you stand on the climate change issue? There are people that still believe that the earth is flat, where do you stand on this issue? There are people that believe that United States never landed on the moon, where do you stand on this issue? There are people that believe that United States never landed on the moon, where do you stand on this issue? There are religious groups that refuse to take medications or see a doctor when they or their children get sick, where do you stand on this issue? There are people who believe the holocaust never happened. Where do you stand on this issue? etc. etc.

My point here is that there are some people that refuse to believe anything even when insurmountable evidence is presented.  This holds true for Global Climate change.




Thousands of toxic acres of land have been created as a result of dumping of toxic chemicals. 

When I was growing up, we learned about manmade pollution.  I remember driving into Albuquerque, New Mexico and seeing a yellow haze over the city.  I remember driving down highway 66 and trash littering the highway and people throwing their trash out the car window.  I remember my cousins coming from California and telling us that there was a $25 fine for throwing trash out a car window in California, that was hard to believe.   When we visited California, I saw firsthand that this law did exist as I saw signs posted on the highway. In school I studied about the Great Lakes and learned that these lakes where so polluted that it was not uncommon for these lakes to catch fire and that fish harvested in these lakes were not eatable, but work was being done to rectify the pollution. Pollution comes in many forms and as the human population grows so does the amount and effects of pollution. During the Industrial Revolution large amounts of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide was spewed into air resulting in Acid Rain that killed thousands of acres of woodlands.  Thousands of toxic acres of land have been created as a result of dumping of toxic chemicals. 


I have had people deny Global Climate Change because of a couple of cold days or because it snowed.

Today with the increase in population and the demand on electricity, which is primarily produced by burning coal, large amounts of C02 pollutants are released into the atmosphere and coupled with other gases are creating a green house situation over the earth.  The emissions from vehicles is the second contributor of C02.  I have had people deny Global Climate Change because of a couple of cold days or because it snowed.  A couple of snow days is not an indicator that Global Climate change is not occurring rather it is simply an indicator of   local weather pattern. Such examples are indicative that the person citing such an example has no clue what Global Climate Change all about. 

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