Another mass shooting and as usual there are several theories or guesses as to why. There are many answers, some ridiculous, others excuse for inaction, others just more of the same. The killings continue. In a nation where everybody is an immigrant, I find it hard to believe that any one group can claim ownership of any piece of land in America and claim racial purity.
The favorite Republican talking point is more guns. After Santa Fe teachers were armed as a self-defense mechanism to naturally take care of the school children. There is a lot of blame to pass around, video games and of course labeling the killers mentally ill. These ae probably the two favorites. The blame now extends to immigrants, they are killers and murders and rapists.
“Let’s be clear about something, I am speaking of Republican politicians”.
As usual Texas will lead in liberalizing gun laws to make it easier to carry guns. We are a gun toting state. First Concealed Handgun and then Open Carry. Cornyn, our own Senator, n wants a law that allows concealed handguns all over America. With so many people with handguns it is most hand control laws would be senseless. Future handgun ownership is not the problem, the problem is the number of handguns that are in someone’s hand already. The search for answers continues, seeking the illusive needle in the haystack.
AK 47 , (Same Gun Used In El Paso Shooting- Killing 22 People)
“Just like the people at Jonestown that drank the Kool Aid.”
A White Supremacist or White Nationalist cannot be labeled mentally ill. A person that gets brainwashed is a very sane person. They are as brainwashed as Republicans who believe that arming more people is going to control gun violence. Just like the people at Jonestown that drank the Kool Aid.
Racism has a beginning. It begins at home and is reinforced in the community. The only thing that can remedy racism is education and exposure to a multi-racial environment. Those that live in a highly segregated White neighborhood grow up without being exposed to multiracial America. Let’s be clear about something, I am speaking of Republican politicians. Even if they call themselves, conservative, they are still Republicans. Conservatism is just a label to get elected.
“Conservatism is just a label to get elected”.
People mourning at a memorial for the victims of the 2019 El Paso Walmart shooting., 6 August 2019,
Source: Sumida en el duelo, la gente de El Paso no quiere ver a Trump pasar por su pueblo
ruperto miller from ´panama, panama
Across the country, people clamor for politicians to do something. Politicians do nothing. Republicans are so indebted to the NRA (National Rifle Association) that they are merely pawns of the NRA. Waiting for politicians to do something is like playing roulette.
You spin the wheel and hope the finger points to a winning number.
So, let’s talk about the blame game. Blame goes to Trump for spreading White Nationalism. Blame goes to all senior congressmen and senators. They have been in Washington long enough. Blame goes to every Texas governor that has preached guns as a remedy for violence. Blame goes to the Texas legislature for enacting liberal gun laws. Funny how Republicans don’t have a problem using the L-word to pass gun laws. All these elected officials share the blame for all the killings that have occurred They are to blame. The finger is pointed at them.
Now. Get close to a mirror. Point the finger at yourself. If you have voted into office all these politicians that are passing all these “Kill your fellow neighbor laws.”, then you are most responsible for all the killings. Yes you.
There is no other way to place the responsibility for all the killings where it belongs. Everyone shares in the blood of every innocent person that has been killed by domestic terrorist.