Primero (First), for those who may need to become more familiar with LULAC, is the League of United Latin American Citizens. LULAC is the oldest and largest Hispanic Advocacy organization in the U.S. It was created in 1929. And every year, they hold conventions to elect new officers, training workshops, and, as with most conventions, a bit of party time. In addition, it is also a time to catch up with old friends in the League and, unfortunately, remember those who are no longer with us.
The organizers did an excellent job providing first-class accommodations for this year’s Albuquerque, New Mexico convention. Pero, as with all stories, there is good, bad, and, in this case, a bit of embarrassing stuff to report.
First, the good Albuquerque did a great job of welcoming our membership to their city and, I believe, went the extra mile to make us feel special. Second, I was thrilled to see young people, especially since, like any large organization, you need youthful energy to safeguard its future. And these young folks were not just there to party but to learn the skills necessary to become influential leaders. Many already held or were running for Key positions in LULAC. They have educated themselves, are articulate, and possess the passion necessary to serve the community. And right behind them are the Youth members, made up of mostly High School students. Check out pictures of young people in the area who attended the convention and are making a difference in our organization and communities.

Ahora (Now) for the bad, about fifteen years ago, I, with other council members, attended the national convention in Little Rock, Arkansas. And while most people there were friendly, one group was not. On the last day of our stay there, about 30 to 50 Klan Members came to protest our presence there. They accused us of wanting open borders and amnesty for all in our country illegally. All of which was not true. Not to say that, like most, we wanted then and now immigration reform that works for all of us. Anyway, we used our secret weapon to shoo them away. Luckily, we had Mariachis at the ready, and they started playing. Loud. The Klan folks could no longer be heard, so they packed up and left.
Albuquerque was a whole different story, which is hard to explain in this space. Pero, they denied the Puerto Rican delegation the right to vote at the convention. Why is LULAC not a civil rights organization, and isn’t unity in their name? Right to both, and now, if you allow, I will quote the late Pee Wee Herman, “But” all my friends have big buts. Here, it gets complicated and not easily explained.
The Puerto Rican delegation had been allowed to vote for over thirty years since they were given membership. The LULAC constitution states that members must be American residents or citizens. The first question that may come to mind here ‘Well, aren’t Puerto Ricans considered American citizens?’ Yes, they are also considered citizens of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Any U.S. resident/citizen aged 18+ with unquestionable loyalty can be a full LULAC member. Next question, so what’s the problem?
As Pee Wee said it best, something happened in Puerto Rico last year that led to this year’s denial of voting privileges. And since I was not there, I will rely on what I have read and many people have told me. At the 2022 convention held in Puerto Rico, the Islanders suddenly had over 300 new voting councils, allowing them to control any election. And according to reports, the money came from politicians or PACS to attempt to effect policy. And take over the National presidency and its National Board. Well, this led to all kinds of legal action, which, to this day, we are still determining if settled. They attempted to effect policy using PACS and aimed to take over the National presidency and its National Board, resulting in legal action. To this day, we are still determining if they settled the legal action. Reportable again, they refused to disclose where their money came from; they were denied the right to vote. This will probably lead to more legal action and some P*** off Puerto Ricans.
Next, Fort Worth Council 4743 was bidding to host the 2025 National Convention Aqui in Fort Worth. The president of that council, Mr. Saldivar, and Ms. Martinez, with the Fort Worth Visitors and convention, asked if they would support and help with the bid. This is in my position as president of LULAC Council 4568. I said yes and got busy at the convention advocating for Fort Worth. In addition, the good people with the Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce had a booth and the personnel to help with the bid. Their president and CEO, Anette Landeros, did a great job of presenting Fort Worth and our community positively. So much so that it looked like LULAC would ‘Boot Schooten in 2025.’
Pero, something happened on the way to the dance floor. Some Fort Worth members (Not from our councils) decided against it. This is the embarrassing part of my story. They went in the complete opposite direction from those that supported Fort Worth for 2025. They were asking folks NOT to come to Fort Worth in 2025, which caused many folks to think something must be wrong in Fort Worth, especially since they were LULAC members from Fort Worth. It made people pause and confused about who is who and what is wrong in Fort Worth. And you know what? I don’t blame folks for thinking that; I might feel the same if I were them. The word out there was the opposition saying that “Fort Worth was a racist city.” While there is work to do in our city, I would not give it that label. Below, I have provided the opposition group’s official statement and my response. So, we did not get the convention for 2025, but even more importantly, we still need to get the opportunity to show the state of Texas the power of our community. Given the attacks by Governor Abbot and others on our community, it was a missed opportunity. Not to mention doing the same in Fort Worth.

Ahora, for you Breaking Bad fans, I have included a picture of the statue that depicts Walter White and Pinkman. The statue proudly sits at the building that houses the Albuquerque Convention Center. I, as a fan, was happy to see Pero. I wondered what the local folk thought. I asked some LULAC members, and they said the city benefited economically. But many young people thought being involved in the drug business was fantastic. They felt there was no doubt that it led to increased drug use by local youth and worse.
Finally, to end on a positive note, the legendary Dolores Huerta was there, and at 90 plus, she can still motivate young people to service. Little Joe the King of the Brown Sound was the closing entertainment and, as always, did not disappoint. Personally, I left energized and ready to keep working for a better future for all of us.
LULAC District 21 North Texas Important News August 4th, 2023, On August 5 th, 2023 the City of Fort Worth will be campaigning for the 2025 National LULAC Convention. Regretfully, and respectfully, we wish to inform everyone that LULAC District XXI does not support the city of Fort Worth’s campaign. We look forward to the day that the City of Fort Worth and LULAC District XXI can one day work truthfully, and substantially, in sincere partnership to bring the glorious LULAC National Convention to the good citizens of Fort Worth. Maybe 2026? Till then, we wish the best of luck to all the cities bidding for the 2025 LULAC National Convention.
Salvador Carrillo
District Director LULAC District 21
Alberto Govea president LULAC Council 4568 (Response)
As president of the oldest active council in Fort Worth I respectfully disagree. In the over 27 years that we have been chartered I have seen and worked on progress for our community in Fort Worth. And I agree that there is more work to do. We cannot hinder progress in search of perfection. That said I respect your right and some of the members from District 21 disagree. At the end of the day, I hope we all want the same thing.