While lemon is a traditional summer flavor, you can add a little extra to your gatherings – from picnics and brunches – with this classic dessert. Quick and easy to make, these Lemon Bars feature a soft crust and a tangy, sweet filling topped with powdered sugar.

Find more recipes perfect for summer at Culinary.net.


Lemon Bars

Recipe adapted from Better Homes and Gardens


  •             Nonstick cooking spray

  • 2          cups, plus 3 tablespoons, all-purpose flour, divided

  • 1/2       cup powdered sugar, plus additional, for topping

  • 2          tablespoons cornstarch

  • 1/4       teaspoon salt

  • 3/4       cup butter

  • 4          eggs, lightly beaten

  • 1 1/2    cups granulated sugar

  • 1          teaspoon lemon zest

  • 3/4       cup lemon juice

  • 1/4       cup light cream, half-and-half or milk


Heat oven to 350° F.

 Line 9-by-13-inch baking pan with foil; allow overhang. Grease foil with nonstick cooking spray; set aside.

In large bowl, whisk 2 cups flour, 1/2 cup powdered sugar, cornstarch and salt.

Using pastry blender, cut in butter until mixture resembles crumbs. Press mixture into bottom of baking pan. Bake 18-20 minutes.

To make filling: In medium bowl, whisk eggs, sugar, remaining flour, lemon zest, lemon juice and light cream.

Pour filling over hot crust. Bake 15-20 minutes. 

Cool completely on wire rack. 

Grasp foil overhang and lift from pan. Cut into bars. Sprinkle powdered sugar over bars before serving.

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