When you think of an electric car you automatically think of a small cheese wedge-shaped car. Ford is trying to change that mindset with their all-electric Lightning edition F-150. Ford unveiled this prototype in Dallas today, and I was invited to the event.

The Out Seers

At first, it looked like any other Ford truck, but one, look under the hood, and I knew this was going to be different- NO MOTOR! While sitting inside the new Ford Truck it took me a minute to realize it was even on. What a change from the loud trucks we are used to hearing. I couldn’t help but wonder how “truck people” will react to this.

That’s going to be a challenge to change the mindset of this market. Rising gas prices should help. But then again, my truck driver friends wear how much they pay at the pump as a badge of honor. We were told the truck will have the same power and towing compacity as the gas-powered V-8. I’m sure one day soon it will be the norm for all the “Truck People.” But, the process of getting used to the change will be tough- especially in my great state of Texas.

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