A Grownup Twist on a Childhood Favorite


(Family Features) When you’re looking for recipe inspiration, don’t be afraid to take things back to your childhood with a little home cooking. Even better, now you can enjoy those kid favorites as the main course (with an adult touch, to boot) in this Baked Broccoli Mac. It’s a warm, cozy solution that pairs with […]

Hulu Original “La Maquinna”

Hulu Original

SINOPSIS: Después de una devastadora pérdida, Esteban “La máquina” Osuna (Gael García Bernal) está en un punto bajo en su carrera de boxeo. Por suerte para él, su mánager y mejor amigo Andy Luján (Diego Luna) está decidido a que vuelva a la cima. Pero cuando una organización nefasta asoma la cabeza, lo que se pone […]

Hulu Original “La Máquina” 

Hulu Original

SYNOPSIS: After a devastating loss, Esteban “La Máquina” Osuna (Gael García Bernal) is at a low point in his boxing career. Lucky for him, his manager and best friend Andy Lujan (Diego Luna) is determined to get him back on top. But when a nefarious organization rears its head, the stakes of this rematch become life […]

Why is the U.S. Lagging Behind the World in Managing COVID?


By Sunita Sohrabji Aug 19, 2020 The U.S., which has both the largest number of infections and deaths from COVID-19, is lagging far behind other countries which have far fewer resources, concluded three eminent physicians and global health experts speaking at news briefing for the nation’s ethnic press. Speakers at the briefing, organized by Ethnic […]

We Will Not Be Intimidated!


Last week I shared with you information about some of the folks that were targeted by Paxton’s’ goon squad. And if you managed to get to the end of the story, you read that Fort Worth folks may be targeted soon. Therefore, I want to make sure that you have information as to who to […]

¡No nos dejaremos intimidar!


La semana pasada compartí con ustedes información sobre algunas de las personas que fueron atacadas por el escuadrón de matones de Paxton. Y si lograste llegar al final de la historia, leíste que la gente de Fort Worth podría ser atacada pronto. Por lo tanto, quiero asegurarme de que tenga información sobre a quién contactar […]

My Vote is My Health: Empowering Communities Through Civic Engagement

By Shirley N. Weber, Ph.D. & Francisco J. Silva, Esq. Aug 23, 2024 Civic Health Month is not just a time to reflect on the state of our democracy; it is a call to action. As we observe National Civic Health Month this August, we are reminded that the power of voting extends far beyond […]

What a Couple of Uber Trips Taught Me About the DNC

Uber Trips

By Peter Schurmann Aug 22, 2024 Conversations with Uber drivers in California reveal a paradox for Democrats, whose messaging targeting immigrants and the working class butt up against perceptions of better economic times under Trump. That moment when VP candidate Tim Walz’ son, Gus Walz leapt to his feet, tears in his eyes, mouthing, “That’s […]

Americans Face Historic Medicaid Coverage Gaps, Disenrollments

Medicaid Coverage Gaps

By Selen Ozturk Aug 12, 2024 Of the 83 million Americans enrolled in Medicaid, nearly half being children, about 23 million have lost coverage since the pandemic, or stand to lose it. The federal COVID-19 emergency froze the process of annual Medicaid eligibility checks known as redetermination. Since the emergency was lifted in May 2023, […]

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