Esta Ano y Lotro -This Year and The Next
Here at Hola Texas we continued our mission of keeping Raza history alive and recognizing people and organizations that are making a difference in our community.
In the Texas Desert, a WWII Era Internment Camp Unites Asians, Latinos
Survivors of the State Department operation called “Quiet Passages” returned to the grounds of this erstwhile concentration camp just 35 miles from the Mexican border.
UFO Sighting Fort Worth, Texas
UAPS or more commonly known UFOs have been a point of contention between the government and some members of the public who believe they are not being told the entire truth about the possibility of life outside Planet Earth.
A Statement from Brenda Victoria Castillo, President & CEO of the National Hispanic Media Coalition (NHMC)
Four years ago, a racist White nationalist drove more than 600 miles to El Paso, Texas and took the lives of 23 innocent people, injuring 22 others. His sole intent was to harm as many Latinos as he could, calling the act of terror “a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas.”
A Dark Place in History Emmett y Santo
This week, Santos Rodriguez and Emmett Till were remembered for the darkest reasons.
State investigating claim that DPS troopers were told to push migrants back into the Rio Grande and deny them water
“These chilling reports of calculated inhumanity against children and asylum seekers on the Texas border are not only deeply disturbing, but monstrous.
Daniel Roble was the youngest of two boys born in Detroit on July 4th1943 to a Polish immigrant couple.
Our Common Bonds
If you are an American of Mexican descent and were born in West Texas in the early part of the 1950’s, here’s a few things we might have in common.
Community Leaders Honored for Making Change Happen at the Grassroots
They imagined a world that didn’t exist yet and went about building it.
Adiós, pequeña Venezuela
Recientemente, la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos dictaminó extender una política de salud que, a su vez, cierra la frontera a muchos migrantes que esperan solicitar asilo.