Esta Ano y Lotro -This Year and The Next

Here at Hola Texas we continued our mission of keeping Raza history alive and recognizing people and organizations that are making a difference in our community.

UFO Sighting Fort Worth, Texas

 UAPS or more commonly known UFOs have been a point of contention between the government and some members of the public who believe they are not being told the entire truth about the possibility of life outside Planet Earth.


Daniel Roble was the youngest of two boys born in Detroit on July 4th1943 to a Polish immigrant couple.

Our Common Bonds

If you are an American of Mexican descent and were born in West Texas in the early part of the 1950’s, here’s a few things we might have in common. 

Adiós, pequeña Venezuela


Recientemente, la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos dictaminó extender una política de salud que, a su vez, cierra la frontera a muchos migrantes que esperan solicitar asilo.

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