According to a popular financial website, Fort Worth is one of the most diverse cities in Texas. And now that Latinos make up most of the population in this great state, many are looking for more representation within the Hispanic community. Unfortunately, it usually stops at looking and ends with flustered inaction. But not this time. Talk turned into action, and action turned into votes. Jeanette Martinez was the first Latina elected to serve on the Fort Worth City Council. And she is the first City Council member elected to serve Fort Worth’s newly created District 11.
By. Nisie
And a special thanks to Jeanette Martinez for taking time for this interview
When asked what inspired her to run for city council, she stated, “I felt a sense of urgency. I knew this seat needed to be filled by someone who could represent all people equally in this diverse district and would be able to relate to the majority…”.
Jeanette Martinez is not some out-of-towner either! According to her, she is a “Fort Worthian” through and through. When asked about her roots, she explained, “I was born and raised in Fort Worth and a proud daughter of Mexican immigrants. My dad is from Guanajuato, and my mom is from San Luis Potosí. Neither of my parents made it past middle school. My siblings and I were all born at JPS Hospital. We grew up in the Southside of Fort Worth and attended all FWISD schools.”. Knowing the city you represent is essential; thankfully, Mrs. Martinez has spent her entire life getting acquainted with Fort Worth.
Now that Martinez has won her seat, she is excited to work on her planned initiatives and gave us a glimpse of what those are, “I am excited about bringing in more affordable housing to the district. We need to do as much as we can to increase affordable housing options throughout the city to bring stability to individuals and families who will, in turn, boost our economy. I am also excited about the education and services/resources I plan to bring to the community. I plan to organize health/resource fairs and educational town halls focusing on issues such as the home appraisal appeals process and legal forums on various needs such as immigration and probate court cases.”. Renters in Fort Worth have seen prices shoot up by 32%. Making it nearly impossible for some to find affordable housing.
Solid representation is essential, but tenacious leadership is imperative to the city’s future. And voters believe Martinez is up to the task.
Fort Worth is a fast-growing city that continues to evolve, people must keep showing up at polls to vote for their community and family. In this case, a run-off election showed how a single vote can make all the difference.