Cesar Chavez dedicated his life in service to the people that feed our families and us every day. The often-faceless people who harvest the vegetables and fruits sustain our lives (Farmworkers). Throughout his life, he worked to ensure that they had safe working conditions, living conditions, and improved wages that would allow them to take of their families. And in turn, ours as well. On April 23, 1993, Cesar left us RIP (Rest in Power), but his spirit lives on every day in all people who fight for social justice. A statue with his likeness can be seen in the Biden White House behind his desk in the oval office. Which I believe is a reminder that service to others is the highest calling for all of us.
By Alberto Govea
Dolores Huerta, the co-founder of the United Farm Workers Union, is very much alive and, on April 10, will be ninety-two. While reaching that age is an achievement itself, reaching that age and still advocating for social justice (Much Respect), Her commitment to justice was born from many personal experiences of discrimination and even violence against her and her family. Rather than give up and stay quiet, she was more determined to fight against discrimination and injustice. To this day, that commitment has not changed. And what is equally impressive is that she has done all this while raising 11 children. This reminds me of a saying that the late great Ann Richards would say (Paraphrasing) “We can do everything a man can do, in high-heels and dancing backward” “Long Live Dolores Huerta” We are all the better for you living among us. Si Se Puede!
Caza Azul Coffee was the host site for the April 6, 2022, birthday celebration to honor our two heroes. The event sponsors were the Cesar Chavez committee de Tarrant County, LULAC Council 4568, MTTP Amigos N Progress, and Hola Texas media sponsor. Among the event highlights was the recognition of Jacinto Ramos for his service as an FWISD board member and the Cesar and Dolores Spirt award to members of the JOLT voter registration program. State Representative Ramon Romero presented LULAC Council 4568 and the Cesar Chavez committee with a resolution recognizing their work that led to the signage honoring both Cesar and Dolores in Fort Worth. Also recognized was city councilman Carlos Flores for his much-appreciated role in making the same happen. It was a great day to be among friends and family, including several elected officials and community leaders. A special announcement was made that Fort Worth has been chosen as a site to showcase the newest Cesar Chavez documentary in September of this year. In addition, a panel from the Chavez Foundation will be in attendance to discuss this new historical documentary about Cesar’s work. This was convened for this writer by Rose Herrera, former FWISD trustee and personal friend to Dolores Huerta. Watch this space for more information. Last, I want to thank all the organizations that made this possible and those that attended and hosted site Caza Azul Coffee and our food provider Gustos’ Burgers, which were muy Bueno. Mil gracias to all!
We are a group of community conscience individuals that span multiple generations which allows us to have a unique insight to the North Texas Latino community. Our goal is to inform, educate and in some instances provide a Call to Action!
We know there are no other Latino theme publications that cover the variety of subjects, history or issues as does Hola Texas. Whether there is the history of the Chicano Rights Movement to Latinos on TV or at the Movies to new Marijuana laws and how they may affect the community.