Name three places you went to in the past two weeks. As we all begin to venture out again to what was our normal life, you can decide to peek out, one step in and one out or you can just run out! I guess you might say I chose the latter, Pero with some caution. 

By A. Govea


  Still wore mask on indoors if we were close to non-family members even though both I and my wife are fully vaccinated. I know the CDC is now saying there is no need for a mask if you are fully Vaxed, but as weird as it was at first wearing a mask everywhere- it now feels weird not to. Nonetheless I will share each experience with you.


  Galveston-O-Galveston was the old Glen Campbell song (RIP). Well I found that the beach is still in the same place it was when I was there last. We arrived on Wednesday Cinco de Mayo and left on Friday, there were no crowded beaches or restaurants at least the ones I went to. For the most part service staff wore masks and a good part of the customers. Besides hanging out by the beach with the obligatory book in hand we went on a 45-minute bay cruise. We got to see a fishery, a ferry, a small island and best of all dolphins. No mask on the cruise boat with about 20 people all socially distanced, it was a very enjoyable experience. Only wish I had been able to see more of dolphins, but I understand that is a hit and miss experience. As for the price for the experience, it was very reasonable at twelve bucks each. Next movie day.


  We got back Friday late afternoon after having a pleasant lunch in Houston with our niece Toni. After a full evening at home, we decided to do something we had not done in over a year The Movies (Las Vistas). And believe giving up movies for a year was no small sacrifice. So, it kind of felt surreal being there again. I will admit I was a little weary going back but as soon as I got my movie popcorn that I really love, (especially with jalapenos on top and a pickle on the side) all fears left me. And the movie (Here Today) starring Billy Crystal and Tiffany Haddish was good to boot. Without giving away too much Billy is an aging comedy writer that is experiencing early sign of dementia and is struggling to maintain a good relationship with his grown children. Now to La Misa (Mass).

  Once the shutdown happened and all the restrictions went into effect Mass for me, and my wife was on Facebook live. It was still our church and regular mass but of course still not the same, although it did have its’ advantages such as no need to get public ready. However, the biggest miss was not being able to take communion and just being with follow church goers. And for me I just felt like it was the best way to end the week and start a new one. So, Sunday sans Good Friday was the first time back live and in person and to minimize people exposure we went to the 1.00 pm Spanish Mass. This is because our congregation is upwards of 14,000 but most don’t’ attend Spanish Mass. Which works great for me because this even holds true for major holidays like Easter and Christmas. The big holidays really bring out the Chriseasters (people that only attend on those 2 holidays). Most people wore masks and the handshake part that goes with, “Peace be with you” is still out.  All in all it was good to be back again and I pray it continues as part of our new normal.

  In conclusion it felt good to be out again amongst people outside my home, especially in a social setting. Pero I will still carry my mask, just in case, what say you? Let us know.

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