Before I get to Halloween and the election, just one more church observation. At the Alpine mass most, people shook hands during the ‘Peace be with you part’ And in Marfa no hand shaking as I am now accustomed to at my Keller church. I wondered why? Was told that Alpine is largely Republican, and Marfa is more Democrat.
By A Govea
So, which is loosely translated to mean in Alpine “What Covid” in Marfa “We still need to be COVID safe” Oh Pos Si (Yes) makes sense in what has become the new reality for the Elephant and the Donkey. Which proves that at least in some cases Religion and Politics do mix.
Ahora, (Now) Halloween most years for me the only thing I do is pass out candy to local kids and worry I will run out. This year was different as we were in Marfa with our young grandkids. There is not much better then to experience any holiday through the eyes of a child. In Marfa a Halloween must is going to the courthouse parking lot for trunk or treat. There you have local politicians, border patrol a few church folk passing out candy. And if you child is brave enough across the street the volunteer fire department has a free scary house for the kiddoes.
Once you visit all the trunks for candy which numbered about maybe 10 and an old Firebird with a skeleton driving you are done there. At this point I thought guess we are done; Pero I was wrong. Next a little door to door trick or treating where the grandkids joined up with some schoolmates. Nothing new here but then I realize the other kids are all riding together in a trailer pulled by a pickup with a few parents. Immediately they invite our grandkids to join and off they go and are job now was to follow. First time for me to see that and you know what I like it. And for sure I will agree that as the saying goes ‘The more the merrier’
Before I get into the Cinderella for County Judge election, I have a couple of school related observations that I must share with you. On Thursday after Halloween all schools were let out early at 1.00pm. And by the way the there is only two school buildings for the whole city 1 to 5 and 6 to 12. The reason they had to shut done early the High School Volleyball team had an out-town tournament. So, that meant parents would be picking up their kids early to head to the tournament, can’t teach if they aren’t there. One last thing of note that same week I and my wife got to enjoy a Thanksgiving lunch with the grandkids. Which was an unexpected treat, Pero I wondered why so early? Reason the freezer went out and it was now or never, so unlucky for them but lucky for us.
Tuesday November 8th was filled with big elections on the National stage and Statewide. Pero, in Presidio County there was an election that had something no other election had, Cinderella. Well folks Cinderella the incumbent candidate for County Judge has lost. New challenger and Democrat Jose Portillo is now the Judge elect. Ca Paso (What happened) don’t’ people there know that Cinderella is supposed to live happily ever after?
Well yes in a fairy tale but the truth is I mentioned a little earlier in this article Marfa the county seat leans more Democrat. And Cinderella had always ran as a Democrat but not this year she let Abbott convince to switch parties. She took the money and the signs that came with it and now she is out for the first time since2014. The official reason she gave for switching parties was that (paraphrasing) the Democratic party’s’ stand on abortion did not line up with her beliefs as a devote Catholic. If that is true, then you can’t’ fault anyone for standing up for their beliefs. However, some believe it was just the money, either way she is out, it will be interesting to see if she decides to return the D party next election cycle. I have more to share, Pero I was stop here. Adios until next time.