Voting Resources:

 With all the changes happening in our world, our right to vote is not just a privilege, it has become mandatory for all of us. I have been involved in the voting process, from being a Volunteer Deputy Registrar and Precinct Chair to the Executive Board and Leadership Committees on the Tarrant County Democratic Party for a few years.

I have seen the change in the current local government due to the prior administration give a much-needed boost to this endeavor. People have been outraged about the border policy and subsequent wall being erected due to the war on immigration.

Some groups and agencies try to bridge the gap and change the community by bringing information to populations with low voter turnout.


One of these groups is 4Tarrant it is comprised of:


Crystal Gayden – Family law attorney

for Tarrant County 324th District Court

@CrystalforJudge on TikTok, FB, IG, Twitter



MarQ Clayton – Criminal defense attorney

for Tarrant County Criminal Court 7

@MarqforJudge on TikTok, FB, IG, Twitter


Ebony Turner – Criminal defense attorney

for Tarrant County Criminal Court 6

@EbonyforJudge on FB, IG, Twitter, TikTok


Lesa Pamplin – Criminal defense attorney

for Tarrant County Criminal Court 5

@LesaforJudge on FB, IG, Twitter


The judicial candidates are working extremely hard to impact the community by working in the courthouse and directly dealing with the people of Fort Worth. At a recent event in July, Fedoras & Cigars II that was held to bring awareness to voting in the race these candidates have. I spoke to some fantastic supporters at this event, and all sang praises of 4Tarrant.


It was a who’s who of the judicial system. Every person that I was fortunate enough to speak with had terrific stories.

Marla Lee, a legal colleague of the ladies, stated the impact of 4Tarrant, and all the members of this organization have reputable resumes. Each one of them has experience in family and defense court.


They all have gotten recognition. All four women know the law back and forth. Their motto is, “Get them registered and get them to vote. “


The event also had other volunteers Deputy Volunteer Registrar Jennifer O’Neil, who is also a Precinct Chair for # 3372 for the Democratic Party, come to register voters that had not been registered because there are time constraints in the terms for being able to vote in this election. Her assistant was William Tulley. They volunteered as they do at other events. This one made more sense since they were closer to home and were able to make an impact in the community.

Crystal Gayle is one of the supporters of 4Tarrant she stated all are strong authority figures. They command professional authority.

Ashley Heal was a young single parent who was severely impacted because of the new single life she had come to know. She had recently split with her husband, leaving her to be a single parent. Her being newly single in the workforce, where she had never worked before, and she was on a path to destruction. When the ladies helped her find her way in the world, she worked for them; the rest is history. She is now helping people like herself and, in turn, bringing more contributions to the community and making a lasting impact.


Felons are worse off than any demographics included in the voter pool. They have, nine times out of ten, lost their constitutional rights. Due to their crimes, most jurisdictions deny convicted criminals specific voting rights. The rights most often curtailed include the right to vote and hold public office, employment rights, domestic rights, and economic and contractual rights.


Marla Lee, a legal colleague in the Judicial system in Tarrant County, stated Fort Worth is far behind all major cities in Texas. “The Fort Worth Way” comprises a small group of power brokers who do not have the community’s best interest at heart.


Angela Williams was one of the attendees at the event. She had some fantastic things to say about 4Tarrant and its participants. She appreciates the outreach, civic rights awareness, and vocal advocacy that they give to the underserved citizens of Fort Worth /Tarrant. This endeavor is a partnership between these agencies and the citizens of the grand county we live.


Martin “Ritchie” Hernandez is a felon who has turned his life around, gaining his barber license after he was released from prison. He attended a barber college, maintained the required hours, acquired the license, and began cutting hair out of his home. He has never voted; this is an unchartered area in his life, as voting was not important in his household as a child. He grew up, and he is trying to become more productive in society; Ritchie has registered to vote and will vote in the upcoming election.

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