Jennette Martinez
(Below are responses to questions posed by Hola Texas)
Hola; Why do you think your race had a low voter turnout in May?
This was not a low turnout. We had more people vote in this area than it did in 2019. It is just that District 11 was drawn to have fewer registered voters in this district than some other districts. Even at that, we outvoted 3 other districts. If you compared to the other new district, District 10, we had a similar percentage of voters show up to vote as they did and that one is a majority Anglo district. I am proud of how well this new district has done.
Hola; The next vote getter in your race was Rick Herring, what are the biggest differences between you and him?
I know how to bring the things that people need: safer neighborhoods, repairing roads, improving services because I have done that job before in local government. Local leaders know and trust me and that is why they support me. I am also the only bilingual candidate and thus can communicate with constituents based on their preferred language.
Hola; What are the 3 biggest issues you have identified in your District?
Public safety, street maintenance, and property tax relief
Hola; What makes you best qualified to address the issues?
I have been working for the people of this district for years. The district is new, but I am not new. I have been working here for a long-time providing help and service to people.
Hola; Why do you think it is important to have a Hispanic represent your district?
35% of the population in Fort Worth is Hispanic, but we only have one Hispanic council member. I think it will help that I understand the languages and cultures of this district. A bilingual representative is vital.
Hola; Anything else you would like to add?
I’m honored to have the endorsement of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Fort Worth Professional Firefighters Association, Fort Worth Police Officers Association, Tarrant County Central Labor Council, and community leaders from all walks of life. It’s time to bring the community together to deliver results for our underserved neighborhoods.
(Please note that Ms. Martinez opponent was also offered opportunity to responds to same questions but did not respond) Hola Texas does not participate in partisan politics.