As someone who is always asking why we don’t have more Latinos on TV movies etc., I am the first to watch when a show appears with “Mexican types” I will at least check it out. Such was the case when I ran into a new show on HBO this past weekend (Friday nights on HBO check local listings) Los Espookys. The show is a creation of Salvadorian born SNL writer Julio Torres, Ana Faberge and Fred Armisen of Portlandia fame.

In the first episode Renaldo’s’ (Benardo Velasco) sister wants a unique Quincera with a horror theme- which Renaldo puts together with help from friends. Enter Tio Tico (Fred Armisen) who is really impressed with his niece’s party and lets his nephew Renaldo know. Tio Tico tells his nephew that perhaps he has found his true calling much like he did as a valet parker in L.A. Later we find out that in fact Tio Tico is a “parking prodigy” if there is such a thing.

Renaldo heeds his uncles advise and soon assemblies a cast of characters (pictured above) to create Los Espookys – a Horror for Hire business if you will. The show is primarily in Spanish with English subtitles and is full of ridiculous and maybe even stupid humor, but it works. If you give it a chance, I think you’ll like it -I did.

Series co-creator Fred Armisen plays parking valet legend Tico in Los Espookys (HBO)

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