By the time you read this, Thanksgiving has come and gone. If I was to rate the major holidays, Thanksgiving might be number 1 in my book.
Alberto T. Govea Publisher
To be clear, when I say major, I mean Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving and maybe 4th of July. Major of the Holidays is of course Christmas and Easter. You can tell for sure at church. Sine those two holidays bring out the all the Christers, those that only attend church on Easter and Christmas. For me, all the other holidays are the second-tier holidays like Labor Day which for might be number 1 of the second tier. All the others like Memorial Day, Veterans Day are to be observed. I understand, but hard to say Happy Memorial Day. Or what is appropriate to eat on that day? Do you go with the standard barbeque fair? Valentine’s Day, no day off and not to sound heartless here. Pero this holiday seems manufactured for economic reasons. The important thing about this holiday is not to forget it if you have a significant other. Because if you do, there will be Hell to pay!
Then there is Cinco de Mayo, which may not even be official, but that does not stop the beer distributors from cashing in. In fact, most people don’t even know the real reason Mexican folks celebrate this. If you read Hola or El Weekender, I am going to assume you do. So enough said about that I’m sure you have your own list and would like to hear your top 5 and bottom 5 send to me @ albertogovea@amigosnbusiness.com
We at El Weekender and Hola Texas want you to know we sincerely appreciate you taking the time to read our articles. And hope we hope that you have the best of Holiday season with family and friends. Please stay safe and we will meet again in 2022.