Hispanic Heritage Month Come and Gone – Who Cares?
In my 70-plus years on this planet (Gracias a Dios), I have witnessed many Hispanic Heritage celebrations.
Myth, AI, & Reality Power A Thrilling New Genre Of Indian Sci-Fi!
From the Ramayana and Artificial Intelligence to Climate Crisis, Indian science fiction writers are asking, what if we lived in an alternate universe where the future is a reimagined past?
Discrimination Against Latinos that Don’t Speak Spanish

We Latinos are a proud people when it comes to our language and other similarities.
“A Holy Place”

Thousands of people that make the yearly pilgrimage to El Santuario de Chimayo around Good Friday every year would say Yes
Hispanic Heritage Month – What is it?
Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens (italics mine) whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America.