Does the Census Count Undocumented Families?
The Census Bureau is the largest statistical agency of the federal government.
A Life in Service
What do Boxing and Easter Baskets have in common? The obvious answer would be nada-nothing.
Rating The Holidays

By the time you read this, Thanksgiving has come and gone. If I was to rate the major holidays, Thanksgiving might be number 1 in my book.
El sistema de inmigración podría cambiar

Con el apoyo del presidente Joe Biden, legisladores demócratas introdujeron un proyecto de ley al Congreso el 18 de febrero para reformar el sistema y los programas de inmigración de los Estados Unidos.

By now all of us have been touched by COVID-19 in one way or another. Some of us have contracted COVID and thankfully lived to talk about it.
A Beautifully Baked Beef Dinner

Many families crave savory and delicious weeknight meals. After a long day of work and school, it’s time to gather around the table to share a mouthwatering meal and memories together.
¡Diversión para toda la familia!
Desde la inesperada llegada del coronavirus a los Estados Unidos, se ha limitado una gran porción de las actividades que la gente solía hacer.
A Budget-Friendly Family Dish
Creating family meals with nutrition in mind adds another consideration to a daily task that is often stressful enough.
The Great Lubbock Chicano Barrios Super bowl!
It all started in Mrs. Hagood’s Government class at Lubbock High! This would have been in the winter of 1966 or 67! Mando Yanez, El Changio (Bobby Aguilar-RIP), El Lupio (Lupe Urive), Mickey, and yours truly Mike Torres, started talking football! Pretty soon the bragging started about which barrio was better at football; El Barrio Guadalupe or the Hub Homes vatos!
Soul: La película más adulta de Pixar
Soul se estrenó el 25 de diciembre 2020 en el servicio de Disney Plus. Es unas de las primeras películas de Disney que estrena solamente en línea, esforzándose por adaptarse a las restricciones y al cierre de teatros a causa de la pandemia del COVID 19.
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