Thanksgiving is easily one of the most enjoyable holidays. Usually an all-day celebration with plenty of Turkey, Ham, Family and football to go around. Growing up, one of the most enjoyable traditions was dressing up with our paper made pilgrim and “Indian” costumes in class to eat together before we went off for Fall break.

But as we all know certain aspects of the Thanksgiving Holiday tradition have been fabricated through American History.
Historians believe the only evidence of a Thanksgiving Holiday amongst the Pilgrims is a letter written by Edward Winslow in December 1621, where he describes a feast of deer that was presented to Governor William Bradford and others to celebrate the fruit of their labor. Native Indians were only briefly mentioned as the pilgrims were relieved the Natives had agreed to stay peaceful. It wasn’t until the 17th Century did New England begin celebrating Thanksgiving on a yearly basis; however, it was more of a religious tradition held for seven days to give thanks to God for a fruitful year. Imagine seven full days of Thanksgiving food!
As time went one, Thanksgiving became a more important part of American tradition when George Washing declared February 19, 1975 to be the national day of Thanksgiving to celebrate the end of the Whiskey Rebellion. Then in 1863 after the Battle of Gettysburg Abraham Lincoln declared, “I do, therefore, invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States … to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next as a day of thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the heavens.” So, where did we come up with the Thanksgiving story, we all know now? Well, the fabricated events of the Wampanoag Natives and the Pilgrims coming together in unity is simply a story fabricated and embellished throughout history to re assert certain American values throughout time of war, or political strife. While, it may be difficult to believe, for the most part the well-known origin of Thanksgiving is a myth. But that doesn’t mean we cannot still enjoy the company of our friends and family while enjoying amazing food. Bedsides, it not like most of us were celebrating the Pilgrims and Natives coming together – we are mostly in it for the Turkey and deserts.