The last few weeks have been like a bad, politically themed novella. First was the ill-fated presidential debate, President Biden vs. President Trump. That night would later prove to be the final nail in President Biden’s Coffin, but not before a horrifying assassination attempt on Donald Trump. How the heck did we get here? Let’s take a quick look back.

In 2015, Donald J. Trump announced that he was running in the 2016 presidential election, and he did so with prejudice. He shocked and intrigued Americans with his racist, obnoxious, polarizing rhetoric. Because of his remarks towards Mexican immigrants, women, and others, Democrat voters took a stance. If you vote for Trump, you are on the wrong side of history. So, the great divide between Democrat and Republican voters began. And it was not pretty.

It was like voters forgot we were all in the same boat no matter who became President of the United States. There was no more decorum among neighbors; all backyard BBQ memories were down the drain. If you weren’t voting for the “right” guy, you were no longer fellow citizens but enemies. Politics at the time had infiltrated bars, friend groups, family, and parties. Nothing was sacred, not even church. 

All the hateful rhetoric started to come to a boiling point. Then, the violence began with the “Unite the Right Rally” in Charlottesville, Virginia, from August 11 to 12, 2017. Marchers were members of the alt-right, neo-Confederates, Klansman, and other far-right organizations. Sadly, Heather Danielle Heyer lost her life, and over 30 others were injured when a far-right extremist rammed their car into a crowd of counter-protesters. Suddenly, it was acceptable to commit acts of violence and terrorism if your cause was agreeable. The FBI reported an increase in hate crimes in 2017, and 59.5 percent stemmed from a race/ethnicity/ancestry bias. The continuously violent events would reach a boiling point when Trump was voted out of office. Of course, we all know what happened on January 6th. This story won’t be believable even for a novella if we add covid into the main plot line. So, let’s fast forward. 

Finally, the political climate began to steady. Many were worried the 2024 presidential election would start up the same circus we had in 2016, but the vaudeville acts started to lose their glamour. But don’t worry, folks! Even more entertaining than the Ringling brothers, we have Kamala Harris v Donald Trump this year. The race is on! 

After Biden stepped down as the Democrat candidate, Kamala took the wheel. The possibility of Americans having their first female president is exciting, no matter what side you are on. But are Americans ready for that? And is she prepared to go mano a mano with the Donald himself? This will be a thrilling presidential race with a lot at stake. Some believe the wrong choice could mean the demise of American democracy. Others have a little more faith in the constitution. 

So, will Biden be bitter about stepping down? Is Jill happy? Will Trump ride the assassination attempt train all the way to the White House? And will Kamala finally get that job she’s been pining for? These questions and many others will be answered on the next episode of…Soap? 

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