Yes, Cowboys nation, your team with Cooper Rush leading the way went into the Vikings house and beat them down. Sounding like a law firm Cooper & Cooper laid down the law!

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On that final drive Cooper went to Amari for the game winning T.D. and on the way to it Amari made the catch of the year. And how bout Zeke? Wow, he went through five Vikings to convert a first down from third and eleven. That fact that we can’t decide who made the biggest plays down the stretch is mind blowing. But let’s not forget about the true heroes of this game. One word DEFENSE! Wholly smokes they shut down a top five offense and held them under twenty points. Kirk Cousins was held under two hundred yards passing and their star WR was held to twenty-one yards receiving. But it’s more than that they were getting them off the field on mostly all third down attempts. Now just like the offense we can ask who played the biggest role on defense?

Take your pick you won’t be wrong. Randy Gregory who has been good all season had a monster game. Speaking of monster’s, good luck game planning for Micah Parsons. He is a nightmare for any team to coach against. Diggs may not have had an interception, but he sure shut down that passing game. Now I can’t name every player, but rest assured the Defense as a whole deserves the game ball. As we look to this Sunday against the Denver Broncos who are 4-4 on the season and are a tough team, however, they just traded their best player in Von Miller so I’m praying they are ready to pack it in for the year.

But as you well know, every team plays Dallas like it’s the Super Bowl comes with the territory of being Americas Team. I’m going to say it again, this season feels different. Go out to the store on game day and you will see people wearing Cowboys gear and strangers talking like lifelong friends with the “how bout them Cowboys” and “let’s go Cowboys”. This has been a real blessing especially dealing with all the hardships this country has gone through the last couple of years. Until next time “let the Cowboys ride”!

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