One of the legacies of the Vietnam War happened in nearby Cambodia. The motive for the Vietnam War was the so-called Domino Theory, the belief that if Vietnam fell the countries in Southeast Asia would fall into Communist hands, just like dominoes. 52,000 Americans later we gave up on the theory and gave up South Vietnam.

It was in Cambodia where the ravages of Communism were most prominent. Between 1975 and 1979 the Khmer Rouge led by the dictator Pol Pot were masters of the Cambodians. During this period, it is estimated that up to three million people were slaughtered by the regime. The reason these people were killed is that they were in the receiving end of a bullet from a rifle. For four years the world stood silent while the killings occurred.

Mass killings have occurred in Connecticut, Colorado, Nevada, California, and Texas to name just a few.


Supposedly, the people that committed these wanton killings were mentally ill.

These innocent people died because they were in the receiving end of a bullet.  Supposedly, the people that committed these wanton killings were mentally ill.  If only mentally ill people kill other people, we have a real problem.  There are people whose job it is to kill people.

Just as the world stood silently by while Cambodians were being slain, we remember the world stood silently by as Jews were rounded up by people with guns, taken to prisons where they would be put to death.  The world has witnessed more atrocities.

There is more than the loss of a loved when somebody is killed by gun violence.

The NRA and pro-gun politician’s raise their voice loudly in defense of the second amendment right to own guns.  They do not support any law that infringes on their right to own and carry arms.  There are countries around the world that do not have a second amendment and their citizens are permitted to own guns.

The time has come for citizens to be allowed to sue the NRA, gun manufacturers and legislatures with liberal gun laws.  The NRA and pro-gun politician’s raise their voice loudly in defense of the second amendment right to own guns.  They do not support any law that infringes on their right to own and carry arms.  There are countries around the world that do not have a second amendment and their citizens are permitted to own guns.

The time has come for citizens to be allowed to sue the NRA, gun manufacturers and legislatures with liberal gun laws.  There is more than the loss of a loved when somebody is killed by gun violence.  There are hospital bills, funeral bills and other associated costs.  Innocent victims should not bear the cost of these expenses. There is more than the loss of a loved when somebody is killed by gun violence.    There are hospital bills, funeral bills and other associated costs.  Innocent victims should not bear the cost of these expenses.

Eventually, the killings stopped in Cambodia. How long will we be silent? How many more mass killings will we see? When will they stop? Is prayer really the solution.

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