Legal, Grassroots Gains Against ‘Most Pervasive Violence’
Domestic violence is the oldest and most pervasive form of violence, and a nationwide movement is growing to counter the assumption that it is an inevitable part of life.
Día de la Madre sin la Madre: El endémico de violencia contra la mujer
Grey Harris El Día de la Madre es una celebración que ha sido festejada desde el tiempo de los griegos antiguos, y ha cambiado mucho durante los años. Al principio, era un festival de tres días de construir ofrendas que honraban a la madre de los dioses, y ahora es un día en el cual […]
Access to Guns and Domestic Violence Are a ‘Deadly Mix’

4.5 million women in the US have been threatened with a gun by their domestic partner, 1 million have been shot during a domestic dispute, and at least 600 women are shot to death each year under these circumstances.