¿Puede matarte el no hablar inglés?
Para millones de estadounidenses con conocimientos limitados de inglés, encontrar proveedores sanitarios que hablen su propio idioma sigue siendo un reto.
Bring Brunch Favorites to the Table

Few things go together like the weekend and brunch.
Millions to Lose Coverage During the ‘Unwinding’
Starting in April millions of families could see their health coverage disappear as the government unwinds pandemic-era policies.
Mental Health

I’d like to take a detour from my series of community service organizations and deal a situation that seems to come up ever Holiday season, Mental Health.
Sleep is Good Medicine: 11 tips for healthier sleep
Sleep can sometimes feel like self-care that can wait or a reward you need to earn. However, the opposite is true. When it comes to your health, sleep is just as important as physical activity and nutrition.
In our last piece, we found that there were organizations that help bridge the gap between public and private sectors in the community.
How California’s Coercive Control Law Could Help Women Manipulated by Partners
Dek:Blanca suffered decades of psychological abuse from her husband, whose behaviors fall under a category of abuse sociologists and family law experts call coercive control.
Una nueva forma de ejercicio: Pilates

Hay muchas formas de ejercicio y cada año se popularizan nuevas tendencias de entrenamiento.
Obesity Is an Epidemic

Obesity is a huge problem and difficult to solve, whether personally or socially.
Vacunar a los niños puede ayudar a ganar la batalla contra la COVID, argumentan expertos
Casi un millón de niños de 5 a 11 años han sido vacunados en Estados Unidos desde que fue aprobada la vacuna Pfizer-BioNTech para este grupo etario el pasado 20 de septiembre.