Who Cares About Hispanic Heritage Month?

Well, my first answer will be two former presidents Lyndon B. Johnson was the first to issue a proclamation in 1968. However, it started as a week and then in 1988, Ronald Reagan made it an entire month.

“A Holy Place”


Thousands of people that make the yearly pilgrimage to El Santuario de Chimayo around Good Friday every year would say Yes

Cómo cambiarán las vacunas Covid

En este momento del año, menos del 15% de la población ha recibido la vacuna contra el Covid-19. Y pasará mucho tiempo más hasta que el público pueda recibirla. Pero, cuando todos la recibamos, ¿cómo cambiará el mundo?

Aztlan: Origin of Mexicans

To our Mexican forefathers history was important, because they viewed themselves as a predestined people. This is a poem written by our forefathers about the Mexican nation’s predestination to greatness:

Tejano History

Latinos need to become leaders within their communities and run for elective office. So, that our Voice can be heard Loud and Clear!

Raza Stands Up on September 7th

I see MLK Freewayin Fort Worth and in Dallas even a Malcom X Ave, off 360 in Arlington/Mansfield tollway, I recently saw a Rose Parks Way. And, by the way all deserving I certainly recognize that they deserve it. However, I cannot help but think, “Why not Cesar Chavez”?

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