Mental Health

I’d like to take a detour from my series of community service organizations and deal a situation that seems to come up ever Holiday season, Mental Health.
Texas Civil War Museum
Fort Worth thankfully has many museums to chose from whenever you’re in the mood for a little adventure.
¿Deberías protestar los impuestos de tu propiedad?
Cada año, en abril, los ciudadanos de Texas que poseen propiedades reciben una carta con detalles sobre el valor de su finca.
Alito Opinion Could Usher in New Jane Crow Era

The draft challenges privacy rights that extend beyond abortion
Texas Death Sentence

Over the last few weeks, many have turned their attention to Melissa Lucio, who is currently awaiting her death sentence in Gatesville, Texas. She is set to be put to death in less than a week on April 27, 2022, but her fate is still unknown with her guilt in question.
The Melissa Lucio Story Part One: The Accident
In 2020 Hulu released the true-crime documentary The State of Texas vs. Melissa. In the documentary, the creators follow Melissa Lucio, who was sentenced to death in 2008 after being accused of murdering her 2-year-old daughter Mariah Lucio.
Will The Willfully Blind Give Way to The Force of the Future?
This country is dramatically divided. Some would say Right vs. Left; some would say Conservative vs. Progressive; some would say Fascist vs. Revolutionary. I would probably draw the line between The Willfully Blind vs. The Force of the Future.
The Children Keep Coming
According to Acting Executive Officer for the Border Patrol in the Rio Grande Valley, the children know we will not deport them, so there is nothing to stop them from coming. The numbers are at a 20-year high with no signs of letting up.
Children are Fleeing Certain Danger or Worse
According to the latest government records as of March 20th over 11, 000 mostly minor children have made it to our shores seeking Asylum
Cambios en Texas

Un nuevo artículo de The Dallas Morning News discute algunos de los nuevos cambios que traerá la nueva presidencia, ya que Joe Biden ha venido con muchos cambios.