Tourists Are Leaving Their Hearts All Over the World

Despite higher travel costs, global tourism has increased. Experts say it will take 4-5 years for the industry to return to pre-pandemic levels.
Galveston, Movies and Church
Name three places you went to in the past two weeks. As we all begin to venture out again to what was our normal life, you can decide to peek out, one step in and one out or you can just run out! I guess you might say I chose the latter, Pero with some caution.
Nueva póliza agregada para conseguir la visa H-1B
Los Servicios de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los Estados Unidos (USCIS) anunció el 8 de febrero que, a partir del 22 de febrero, empleadores necesitarán presentar documentación para comprobar que la relación entre empleado y empleador será mantenida durante el tiempo pedido para aprobar la visa H-1B.