Alito Opinion Could Usher in New Jane Crow Era

The draft challenges privacy rights that extend beyond abortion
America Hates Women

Historically, and depending on the region’s social structure, women have always been treated as second-rate humans. The progress for the advancement of women’s rights and liberties has moved like molasses. And, when it comes to American Women’s rights, the story is no different.
Las batallas de las mujeres

Las mujeres del siglo XXI han llegado a un nivel de libertad que era imposible hace dos décadas. Las mujeres modernas tienen la opción de educarse, casarse, crear una familia y lograr sus metas.
Solidarity with journalists in Mexico
In comparison, in all of 2021, there were nine murders. And 147 since the beginning of the year 2000.

When Facebook first became the go- to social media platform for millions of people, it was impossible for many to avoid getting sucked into the social media vortex.
The effort commits to spending six figures in the primary against the Senator

Today, Voto Latino, the nation’s premier grassroots civic engagement organization organizing Latino voters, announced the launch of ¡Adios, Sinema! a new campaign including a six-figure ad buy during the 2024 primary season, to hold Senator Kyrsten Sinema accountable for her obstruction of critical voting reforms that would protect the rights of millions of Latino voters.
Slow but Steady Rise in Eviction Filings– no “Tsunami” yet

Since the federal moratorium on evictions ended in late August, court eviction filings by landlords have increased across the country, particularly in cities with the lowest local and state protections.
Justice is Not Blind (Rittenhouse Verdict)

Like most Americans who were keeping up with the trial- the verdict did not surprise me.
Unity Turned Into Unpatriotic Hateful Disunity
How many times have you heard Donald Trump accuse someone of treason, probably and wrongly, thirty times?