Terlingua Anyone?


“Half the town is drunker than snot 24 hours a day, and they don’t kill anybody”

Recorrido de restaurantes en el área de D-FW

El metroplex de Dallas-Fort Worth es el hogar de hispanos de diferentes nacionalidades. Algunos se establecen aquí como inmigrantes en busca de nuevas oportunidades, entre otras razones

Rating The Holidays

By the time you read this, Thanksgiving has come and gone. If I was to rate the major holidays, Thanksgiving might be number 1 in my book.

960 Miles to Havana Part Four


The sun had set over the horizon and as darkness draped the Hemingway Marina an inconvenient truth became abundantly clear; we had lost Roberto. It was strange to describe a 56-year-old man as lost.

De juego a trabajo

Vivimos en la era de la tecnología, donde las redes sociales se han convertido en el centro del universo para muchos. Aunque un sinnúmero de personas no ven esto como algo bueno, en realidad, estas plataformas sociales pueden completamente alterar sus vidas, tal y como lo hizo para mí.

The Old Fort Worth Power Plant

The Fort Worth Power and Light Company Power plant was first built in 1912. The power plant was the first main source of power for Fort Worth Texas. The old and now abandoned building still boasts the dramatic Beaux-Arts style of architecture that was once popular in the early 1900s. But despite the glimpses of a faraway time that can still be seen, the old power plant continues to become more disheveled.

An Unforgettable Fruity Flavor


Fresh fruit is finally in season. When the sun is out and kids are hitting the pool, it’s also time to indulge in some sweet fruit flavors. Watermelon, berries, bananas and more can all be found near perfect ripeness at grocery stores or farmer’s markets during the warm summer months.

¡Qué divertido es el parque!


A muchas personas les gusta el aire libre. Ocupamos el sol y el oxígeno para sobrevivir y qué mejor lugar para estar que en la naturaleza. Salir a disfrutar de un buen rato en el parque es recomendable para todos.

Qué Hacer en Denton, Texas

Denton es famoso por ser la casa tanto de la Universidad del Norte de Texas como de la Universidad de la Mujer de Texas, pero hay mucho más que solo ser un pueblo universitario.

Road Trip- Destination


Although I have traveled far and wide in this beautiful country of ours, New Mexico has for the most part, escaped me. That is except for my way west to Vegas, L.A. etc. I did spend some time in Albuquerque way back in the 80s, but that was just for work. This time would be different.

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