The First Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is one of the most beloved US traditions, and while it has recently been said to have a fabricated origin, or even disrespectful to Native Americans (due to their mass genocide and forceful religious conversion), the celebration of Thanksgiving is a tradition passed on through more than one historical event.

As You Wander Across Texas

A truism about history is that the winner writes it. And if there is no winner, we create one, because we must always have a protagonist.

The Confederacy: History or Commemoration?

Last month Tarrant County Commissioners voted to remove a Confederate statue from the yard in front of the county courthouse. By Luis C. Castillo   The monument was dedicated to confederate war soldiers and their descendants and erected in 1953. Before the Commissioners voted, there was a long list of residents who spoke about removing […]

Giant Steps

As a native South Texan I grew up pretty much knowing the history of South Texas with all its blood and gore.

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