Eagle Pass ha sido invadido, y no por inmigrantes
Esta ciudad de Texas, antaño tranquila, ha sido invadida por un enjambre de agentes y oficiales en el marco de la guerra del Gobernador Greg Abbott contra los inmigrantes en la frontera sur de Estados Unidos.
Does the Census Count Undocumented Families?
The Census Bureau is the largest statistical agency of the federal government.
Charge Rule, But Immigrants Still Fearful
The Biden Administration last week gutted the signature Trump-era policy known as public charge, which effectively imposed a wealth tax on people seeking to gain permanent residency in the US.
La asimilación para muchos y la aculturación para otros: ¿qué piensa el inmigrante?
A lo largo de los años, la comunidad inmigrante ha evolucionado social y culturalmente, creando un estilo de clasificación y distinción entre la comunidad que normaliza la asimilación versus la que opta por la aculturación.
El sistema de inmigración podría cambiar

Con el apoyo del presidente Joe Biden, legisladores demócratas introdujeron un proyecto de ley al Congreso el 18 de febrero para reformar el sistema y los programas de inmigración de los Estados Unidos.
The Children Keep Coming
According to Acting Executive Officer for the Border Patrol in the Rio Grande Valley, the children know we will not deport them, so there is nothing to stop them from coming. The numbers are at a 20-year high with no signs of letting up.
Children are Fleeing Certain Danger or Worse
According to the latest government records as of March 20th over 11, 000 mostly minor children have made it to our shores seeking Asylum
Are Immigrants Really Taking Our Jobs?
I was blest to be raised by parents who understood the value of a good education. My father could neither read nor write. I remember watching him sign an X when he was asked for his signature. Later, I witnessed him sign his name. I do not know who taught him, but I have often wondered.