Together We Can Make a Difference for Refugees

Have you ever thought about how we can help displaced people?
Coalition Takes Biden to Task for Falling Short on Voting Rights

A coalition of more than 100 civil rights and advocacy organizations is accusing the Biden administration of falling short on its “visionary” commitment to step up voter registration and that the failure to shore up voting rights is disproportionately hurting non-white voters.
El impacto de la escasez de maestros en los Estados Unidos
Todos hemos oído las noticias del impacto masivo de la pandemia sobre muchos aspectos de nuestras vidas. Sin embargo, habrá otra tragedia que tendrá un gran impacto sobre el futuro de nuestros niños.

Throughout history there are many things that make a person change their ways, and behaviors.
Economic Crash or Soft Landing Ahead?
The child tax credit and extended unemployment insurance program are long gone and experts don’t expect new family-friendly legislation this year.
Multiculturalism Means More Not Less
Regina identifies as biracial – Black and Latina, a Mexican-American with a bit of Southern Italy sprinkled into her ancestry. Tyrone is Filipino.
Mental Health

I’d like to take a detour from my series of community service organizations and deal a situation that seems to come up ever Holiday season, Mental Health.
Here are my Three Cents
People quickly start pointing fingers and turning tragedies like Uvalde into a political agenda.
One Nation Under Gun
The pledge reads, “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
Abortion Must Be Legalized in Texas
Abortion is a pretty controversial topic for many. Such a controversial issue really should be the women’s decision.