“Take This Job and Shove It”
“Take This Job and Shove It”, is the title of the 1977 Country hit song by Johnny Paycheck and is the first lyric in the song.
Texas Lawmakers Steal Women’s Rights
Texas Lawmakers have followed the lead of states like Ohio, Georgia, and Missouri by making abortion illegal once a fetal heat beat is detected.
Six Months In, a Mixed Outcome of Biden’s Immigration Policies

Although many of Trump’s era directives have been reversed, the border and the interior tell a different tale for immigrants in the country.
El idioma y la educación: Las bases fundamentales de un latino
Al pasar los años, los latinos aquí en Estados Unidos somos más los que necesitamos de mejores oportunidades de trabajo y vida.
El sistema de inmigración podría cambiar

Con el apoyo del presidente Joe Biden, legisladores demócratas introdujeron un proyecto de ley al Congreso el 18 de febrero para reformar el sistema y los programas de inmigración de los Estados Unidos.
Which Way Do You Want to Go?

Thank God we live in a rational world. Otherwise, we would probably all be nuts.
Republican Party Gone Rogue

This is the most serious editorial I will have written or will ever write. I served proudly for 28 years in the military.
The Classic Definition of Insanity

If I said there were two America’s one sane and one insane. I think I would be correct. How else could the Republican Party allow a person with extremist political views to be a member of the party. That is insane.