40 Days of Lent to a Better You

The number 40 is found many places in the Bible. During the flood that cleared the earth of bad people, it rained for 40 days.

“A Holy Place”


Thousands of people that make the yearly pilgrimage to El Santuario de Chimayo around Good Friday every year would say Yes

God’s Plan for America

I believe God has a plan for the United States of America. As the federal government continues to get the Church out of Politics, the message Pope John Paul talked about during his first sermon to his Polish country men is more relevant.

The Past is in the Past

Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life. What a beautiful thought and attitude to have after making it through one of the bumps in the road of this game called life.

Motivation for the Souls Equation

I want to talk about a task that we have during our time here on earth. Our journey begins with us as babies who are dependent on our parents.

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