Is the Death of the United States Imminent?
Will the conservatives do what Johnny Reb could not? We all learn of the American Civil War in school. We learn of the death and destruction caused by the war.
The End of the American Experiment
The Founding Fathers took many precautions to avert any one person from installing themselves as president for life, or more commonly called, dictator.
Blind Discrimination
I spent my youthful days in the small town of Orange Grove in South Texas. Nothing much happened at Orange Grove.
The Price of Ignorance
Much was said this election over Socialism. It was categorized by Trump as a disease worse than Covid 19. Cuba was mentioned considerably and condemned even by Marco Rubio.
Latinx Voters Living Abroad Mobilize Around Presidential Elections
Editor’s Note: Latinx voters comprise an estimated 10% of U.S. citizens living abroad. Overseas, many actively support the Democratic Party, reports Katarina Machmer, who covers immigration issues in Europe for EMS.
A Religious Alt-Right Government
I have been reading in the Bible the section called “Acts of the Apostles” and how the Religious Right of their time persecuted them.
Government Has No Say in Abortion Decisions
“American Jesuit priest and Vatican consultant, Father James J. Martin, urged fellow Catholics and clergy against claiming that a vote for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is a “mortal sin”.
Your Choice
We have written about Trump a lot. It is not that we hate Trump; emotion has nothing to do with what we write. It is just that Trump gives everyone so much to write about.
The Danger of the Donald Trump Presidency: It’s Worse Than We Even Know
By his outrageous statements during the first presidential debate, we have now witnessed clear evidence that President Donald B. Trump is far more dangerous to this nation and its people than any of us really know.
Who Votes For Donald Trump?
Since 2015 we have seen American politics took a dark turn when a massive divide between Democrats and Republicans began to spread.