Pinche (Dam) Cowboys

I have been a Cowboy fan for more years than I have been alive. Pero that might be an exaggeration

Attractions in Dallas

It is evident that Dallas is one of the fastest-growing and most popular cities in Texas.

Monster in the Hallways

Families in Texas were devastated when they discovered the disturbing truth about the death of their elderly family members.

All Electric Ford F-150 Revealed in Dallas


When you think of an electric car you automatically think of a small cheese wedge-shaped car. Ford is trying to change that mindset with their all-electric Lightning edition F-150. Ford unveiled this prototype in Dallas today, and I was invited to the event.

Cowboys Win! -Eagles Fall-Garret Exhales

Last week I ended my article by writing how I really wanted the Cowboys to beat the Eagles. Pero, many including myself also hoped that if they (Cowboys) couldn’t win – we hoped they (Cowboys) get blown out. The idea was that would then finally push Jerry to fire Garret.

Cowboys Fail Test Against the Saints

Last week I wrote about the Boys winning their first three games against teams that stunk. But, hey you must win those games too, and to their credit they did.

Super Bowl or Bust?

If I had a vote, I would say at least get to NFC Championship and hopefully win, however if they lose like they did against the Rams in playoffs last season he should be OUT!

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