Which Way Do You Want to Go?

Thank God we live in a rational world. Otherwise, we would probably all be nuts.
Uncovering the Big Lie

Sometimes you hear something so many times that after a while you get sick to your stomach hearing the same thing over and over again.
Texas Ice Age
With temperatures steadily rising now, it is almost unbelievable to think just a week ago, the State of Texas was put on ice.
Cambios en Texas

Un nuevo artículo de The Dallas Morning News discute algunos de los nuevos cambios que traerá la nueva presidencia, ya que Joe Biden ha venido con muchos cambios.
COVID & Raza
People from ethnic communities are dying disproportionately from coronavirus but are not the ones being vaccinated.
The Classic Definition of Insanity

If I said there were two America’s one sane and one insane. I think I would be correct. How else could the Republican Party allow a person with extremist political views to be a member of the party. That is insane.
20 Days of January (cont. 2)
Today is the 15th of January.
20 Days in January (cont.)
Today is the 10th of January. The nation is still reeling from the insurrection of the 6th of January, three Kings Day (Day of Epiphany) the day the Wise Men visited baby Jesus.
Twenty Days of January
The country entered the New Year thankful that the long national nightmare was over. The four dreadful years of Donald Trump were over.
This One Is Easy
One of the enduring lessons from one of my government classes was that there is no such thing as freedom of expression.