History Repeats Itself.
The Name of the Game
A beauty salon owner decided to open the shop in violation of county directive to remain closed until safe to open.
The Aftermath
Are You Prepared? The country continues in an unknown path driven by a man whose personal interests and ego control his actions. From a distance, scientists could see the hazard. Sadly, the leader of the country is not a visionary that can look at the approaching hazard and take action that only the federal government can […]
Que Sera, Sera
Trump’s advice that people should inject themselves with disinfectant is reminiscent of the Wild Wild West when quack doctors were going around selling sarsaparilla and snake oil as cures for all medical ailments.
The Phoenix
Lies. Lies. Lies.
This too Shall Come to Pass
I believe that this is one time where everyone in America knows what is going on. And if you don’t, keep your head buried in the sand. The game is coronavirus. It is kind of the only game in town. You may ask yourself, “Why are we doing this?” Look at a wildfire, how fast it spreads.
Gambling and Politics

Boy can I remember my card playing days. It sure felt good to put somebody else’s money in my pocket. That money allowed me to splurge on things I would not otherwise be able to afford.
Adios Goodbye
Well Super Tuesday came and went. It was not what everyone expected but then if you are a card player and bet on a come sometimes you lose your pants. Let’s see there should have been a huge tidal wave for Sanders.
Un principio atrasado
Es fácil enojarse cuando estas atrapado en el tráfico por horas y horas. Cada pequeño movimiento se siente como un chiste porque conoces el camino y la rapidez que es normalmente. Ahora, imagínate hace una semana en el estado de Iowa donde algo parecido ocurrió.
This and That
We all hear about immigration. Some even suggest comprehensive immigration reform. Wishing for that is like wishing for the winning lottery ticket. Sometimes you win, most of the times you lose.